Valve Information Center

Friday, September 26, 2008

Home Sprinkler Valves

Do you need a new valve? There are several choices for sprinkler valves : Rain Bird, Hunter, Toro, Orbit, and Lawn Genie. They vary a lot in quality and styles.

Buy Rain Bird

Let's make it simple. Buy Rain Bird one inch valves. They are the best valve to use. If you are into high pressure systems (over 80 psi) get an upgraded valve that is dull black. The dull black valves are a nylon plastic composite that is stronger than a shiny black valve. If you need a high pressure valve go to a real plumbing or sprinkler store. Big box retailers will not carry this valve.

Nowadays, the majority of contractors put in Hunter. Rain Bird was the standard for many years. Then, Hunter came in and priced their valves one dollar less than Rain Bird. Since the quality was similar, contractors slowly switched to Hunter. Hunter valves are easier to install because they are smaller. They are also easier to repair because they only have four screws on top. Now, the prices are equal, but contractors like the ease of the Hunter valves.

Flow Control

You may wish to check for a flow control knob. This means you can turn down the water pressure to that valve. Most of the time, you will never need to use the flow control. Most people never touch them. They are valuable, although, because you can turn the water off to that valve if it is leaking. In addition, if the valve won't quite shut you can slightly turn down the flow control and the valve will work properly.

Jar Top or Inline

Nearly all valves installed are inline. Inline valves are basically regular valves that hook up to the sprinkler main line. Jar top valves are hooked up exactly the same way. Jar top valves have an added feature. To remove the top, you just unscrew it. You don't need to take out screws. It makes it more convenient to replace the top of the valve or to just clean out the valve. Jar top valves are increasing in popularity.

Don't even consider installing Lawn Genie products. Orbit is the next worst product; avoid it. Toro is a little better than Orbit, but still not that great. Hunter is fair. Rain Bird is Great.

For further landscape information, please visit outdoor shower

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ball Valve History & Mystery

I have been seeing and touching various types of ball valves, but funnily I never knew the history of this brilliant tool which is very important in the processing industry. I found this article which was authored by Ham-Let. Check it out...

Here is a light hearted history and trivia on the ball valve. Read it and you will never take your natural gas or electricity for granted again, ok so maybe you will…

Ball Valve mystery?

The humble ball valve has a checkered history and somewhat murky origins. It may not be cloak and dagger stuff, but it’s not without mystery… Take a look around to see where the ball valve is indispensable. For example, the ball valve is crucial to the petroleum industry, water, electric power, chemical, paper, pharmaceuticals, food, steel and other fields. If it seems we could not get a long without the ball valve, it's probably true! Given the importance of the ball valve today, it's a mystery why it took so long to invent.

Ball Valve history does not go back to ancient Greece or the American revolution or does it? The modern ball valve was invented in 1967 or about 1957 according to different sources. Who cares when the ball valve was invented? Besides the patented owner, probably not many people. Still the ball valve was major advancement over plug valves used in the 20th century. The earliest ball valves were commercially available around 1967. For ancient parallels, the ruins of Pompeii turned up a bronze tapered plug quarter turn valve that resembles to the ball valve today. How’s that for a ball valve mystery?

Ball Valve Birth Pains

Ball Valve researchers point to a spherical ball-type valve patented in 1871 led to the invention of today's ball valve. This ball valve was an all brass valve-brass ball and brass seats. Apparently this ball valve didn't storm the market and was not mentioned in valve catalogs of the late 1800's While today's ball valve is quite a recent invention, the idea for this ball valve has been around about 125 years. The first resilient seated ball valve patent was issued in April,1945. Legend has it the company’s marketing department could not envision a use for the valve and it was not manufactured. Oh well, that’s the way the ball valve bounces...Given the huge reliance on the ball valve today, it's a mystery why it took so long for people to invent and use the ball valve.

Ham-Let is a leading ball valve producer in quality, variety and ball valve development. For more info on Hamlet’s ball valve line of products, please contact Ham-Let.